Open-source Repositories

M-TARE Exploration Algorithm: Multi-robot version of the TARE exploration algorithm that uses intermittent inter-robot communications for coordination and planning.

TARE Exploration Algorithm: A highly-efficient, hierarchical exploration framework that has successfully explored several large, complex environments. The method was used by the CMU-OSU Team in attending DARPA Subterranean Challenge. Runs in Autonomous Exploration Development Environment.

DSVP Exploration Algorithm: An exploration framework containing two stages for efficient exploration and long-distance transitions during exploration process. Runs in Autonomous Exploration Development Environment.

FAR Planning Algorithm: A route planning framework based on dynamic visibility update and allowing fast replanning in known and unknown environments. The method was used by the CMU-OSU Team in attending DARPA Subterranean Challenge. Runs in Autonomous Exploration Development Environment.

Air-FAR Planning Algorithm: Aerial version of the FAR planning algorithm that uses multiple layers of visibility graph for route planning in large 3D environments.

Aerial Navigation Development Environment: Integrates Unity and Gazebo simulators and contains navigation modules such as collision avoidance, waypoint following, and manual flight to support development of aerial autonomy systems.

Autonomous Exploration Development Environment: Contains simulation environments, visualization tools, and navigation modules such as collision avoidance, terrain analysis, and waypoint following to support development of autonomy systems. The code is based on Ground-based Autonomy Base Repository.

Ground-based Autonomy Base Repository: Supports autonomous navigation for ground robots. The code runs in autonomy mode navigating to waypoints or smart joystick mode following operator commands and avoiding obstacles along the way. The repository is made easy to integrate with onboard autonomy systems.

Colmap-PCD: Image-to-point cloud registration tool. Solves a factor-graph optimization problem combining constraints between matched images and from images to point cloud. Saves corresponding camera poses w.r.t. the point cloud.

PPT Template

RI Template

The Robotics Institute Template (.pptx)