Portrait of Michael Kaess
Michael Kaess
Associate Professor
Top Research Interests
  • Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
  • Computer Vision
  • Sensing and Estimation
Perception is a fundamental challenge for mobile robots navigating through and interacting with their environment. My research focuses on 3D mapping a......
Portrait of George A. Kantor
George A. Kantor
Research Professor / Associate Director of Education
Top Research Interests
  • Field & Service Robotics
  • Robotics in Agriculture and Forestry
  • Intelligent Transportation Systems
The control of dynamical systems becomes increasingly important as the era of robotics research dominated by quasi-static machines rapidly comes to a......
Portrait of Zachary Manchester
Zachary Manchester
Assistant Professor
Top Research Interests
  • Motion Planning
  • Motion Control
  • Space Robots and Systems
I’m interested in things that move. My goal is to enable robotic systems that can match or exceed the level of agility, efficiency, and robustness d......
Portrait of Sebastian Scherer
Sebastian Scherer
Associate Research Professor
Top Research Interests
  • Aerial Robotics
  • Motion Planning
  • AI Reasoning for Robotics
The availability and advantages of distributed electric propulsion have led to a new design space for flying vehicles. The rise of small multi-copter......
Portrait of Abhisesh Silwal
Abhisesh Silwal
Systems Scientist
My research interest is in end-to-end robotic systems tailored for complex outdoor environments, synthesizing cutting-edge research across various bra......
Portrait of Wennie Tabib
Wennie Tabib
Systems Scientist
Top Research Interests
  • Active Perception
  • Sensing and Estimation
  • Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
Portrait of David Wettergreen
David Wettergreen
Research Professor / Director of the PhD Program
Top Research Interests
  • Space Robots and Systems
  • Robotics for Scientific Discovery
  • Robotics in Agriculture and Forestry
I create robots to explore the Earth and space. My research develops autonomous exploration: enabling robots to make decisions based on analysis of ob......
Portrait of William (Red) L. Whittaker
William (Red) L. Whittaker
Founders University Research Professor Emeritus
Top Research Interests
  • Field & Service Robotics
  • Industrial Robotics
  • Robotics for Scientific Discovery
My research interests center on mobile robots in unpredictable environments, such as natural terrain and outdoor worksites, including computer archite......
Portrait of Ji Zhang
Ji Zhang
Systems Scientist
Top Research Interests
  • Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
  • Motion Planning
  • Multi-Robot Planning & Coordination
Portrait of Muqing Cao
Muqing Cao
Postdoctoral Fellow
Portrait of Varun Kasireddy
Varun Kasireddy
Postdoctoral Fellow
Portrait of Ralph Boirum
Ralph Boirum
Project Administrator II
Portrait of Sankalp Chopkar
Sankalp Chopkar
Software / Robotics Engineer
Portrait of Michael Clark
Michael Clark
Software Engineer
Portrait of Charlotte Emig
Charlotte Emig
Senior Program / Project Manager
Portrait of Robert Exley
Robert Exley
Research Assistant
Portrait of Yaoyu Hu
Yaoyu Hu
Senior Project Scientist / Engineer
Portrait of Jui-Te Huang
Jui-Te Huang
Research Associate III
Portrait of Lihong (Leah) Jin
Lihong (Leah) Jin
MSR Student / Research Associate III
Portrait of Heather Jones
Heather Jones
Senior Project Scientist
Portrait of John Keller
John Keller
Senior Robotics Engineer
Portrait of Neil Khera
Neil Khera
Engineer II
Portrait of Elizabeth Kysel
Elizabeth Kysel
FIRST Robotics Lead Technical Mentor
Portrait of Ruiji Liu
Ruiji Liu
Portrait of Siri Maley
Siri Maley
Research Associate I
Portrait of Lynnetta J. Miller
Lynnetta J. Miller
Assistant To the Director
Portrait of Lucky Nayak
Lucky Nayak
Research Assistant
Portrait of Taylor Pool
Taylor Pool
Research Associate II
Portrait of Abhishek Rathod
Abhishek Rathod
Robotics Engineer
Portrait of Aditya Rauniyar
Aditya Rauniyar
Research Associate II
Portrait of Aaron Trowbridge
Aaron Trowbridge
Research Associate II
Portrait of Srinivasan Vijayarangan
Srinivasan Vijayarangan
Principal Research Programmer / Analyst
Portrait of Steven Willits
Steven Willits
Project Scientist
Portrait of Ting-Wei Wong
Ting-Wei Wong
Research Associate III
Portrait of Jiahe Xu
Jiahe Xu
Software Engineer
Portrait of Francisco Yandun
Francisco Yandun
Senior Project Scientist
Portrait of Anton Yanovich
Anton Yanovich
Research Associate I
Portrait of Montiel Abello
Montiel Abello
PhD Student
Portrait of Michael Anoruo
Michael Anoruo
PhD Student
Portrait of Cherry Bhatt
Cherry Bhatt
MRSD Student / Graduate Research Assistant
Portrait of Arun Bishop
Arun Bishop
PhD Student
Portrait of Abigail Breitfeld
Abigail Breitfeld
PhD Student
Portrait of Wing Lam Chan
Wing Lam Chan
PhD Student
Portrait of Guofei Chen
Guofei Chen
MSR Student
Portrait of Naman Chordia
Naman Chordia
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Portrait of Dominic Guri
Dominic Guri
PhD Student
Portrait of Margaret Hansen
Margaret Hansen
PhD Student
Portrait of Tyler Harp
Tyler Harp
MSR Student
Portrait of Cherie Ho
Cherie Ho
PhD Student
Portrait of Ethan Holand
Ethan Holand
MSR Student / Graduate Research Assistant
Portrait of Zhixi Huang
Zhixi Huang
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Portrait of Tushaar Jain
Tushaar Jain
PhD Student
Portrait of Pujith Kachana
Pujith Kachana
MSR Student
Portrait of Nikhil Keetha
Nikhil Keetha
PhD Student
Portrait of Chung Hee Kim
Chung Hee Kim
PhD Student
Portrait of Seungchan Kim
Seungchan Kim
PhD Student
Portrait of Joseph Kuhl
Joseph Kuhl
Graduate Research Assistant
Portrait of Jonathan Lee
Jonathan Lee
MSR Student
Portrait of Jeong Hun Lee
Jeong Hun Lee
PhD Student
Portrait of Tianxiang Lin
Tianxiang Lin
MSR Student / MSR Student
Portrait of Yifei Liu
Yifei Liu
MSR Student
Portrait of Rebecca Martin
Rebecca Martin
PhD Student
Portrait of Morgan Mayborne
Morgan Mayborne
MSR Student
Portrait of Daniel McGann
Daniel McGann
PhD Student
Portrait of Brady Moon
Brady Moon
PhD Student
Portrait of Mohammadreza Mousaei
Mohammadreza Mousaei
PhD Student
Portrait of Easton Potokar
Easton Potokar
PhD Student
Portrait of Mohammad Nomaan Qureshi
Mohammad Nomaan Qureshi
MSR Student / MSR Student
Portrait of Nayana Suvarna
Nayana Suvarna
MSR Student
Portrait of Si Heng Teng
Si Heng Teng
MSR Student
Portrait of Fausto Vega
Fausto Vega
PhD Student
Portrait of Jacob Willis
Jacob Willis
PhD Student
Portrait of Nader Zantout
Nader Zantout
MSR Student
Portrait of Yuchen Zhang
Yuchen Zhang
MSR Student
Portrait of Haochen Zhang
Haochen Zhang
MSR Student
Portrait of Shibo Zhao
Shibo Zhao
PhD Student
Visitors & Affiliates
Portrait of Chao Cao
Chao Cao
PhD Student
Portrait of Connor Colombo
Connor Colombo
Research Associate I
Portrait of Rohan Deshpande
Rohan Deshpande
MSR Student
Portrait of Harry Freeman
Harry Freeman
PhD Student
Portrait of Mateo Guaman Castro
Mateo Guaman Castro
MSR Student
Portrait of Andrew Jong
Andrew Jong
PhD Student
Portrait of Jay Karhade
Jay Karhade
PhD Student
Portrait of Winnie Kuang
Winnie Kuang
MSR Student
Portrait of Jay Patrikar
Jay Patrikar
PhD Student
Portrait of Mohamad Qadri
Mohamad Qadri
PhD Student
Portrait of Ananya Rao
Ananya Rao
PhD Student
Portrait of David Russell
David Russell
MSR Student
Portrait of Samuel Schoedel
Samuel Schoedel
MSR Student
Portrait of Akash Sharma
Akash Sharma
PhD Student
Portrait of Shrijit Singh
Shrijit Singh
Portrait of Samuel Triest
Samuel Triest
PhD Student
Portrait of Rohan Zeng
Rohan Zeng
MSR Student
Portrait of Ziyang Zhang
Ziyang Zhang
PhD Student