Take your classroom to a remote site using EventScope educational technology!

When NASA sends robots to other planets or remote parts of the Earth, scientists at Mission Control computers use virtual reality to experience those places as if they were there. The goal of the EventScope project at Carnegie Mellon University is to create classroom computer interfaces and curriculum…

  To extend the exploration capabilities to middle school students as a means of expanding their interest in science and technology,

To bring other planets, distant continents, and NASA robotic mission sites directly into the classroom.

EventScope, a NASA-funded project with support from local foundations, is an educational tool designed to engage students in learning science through a three-dimensional game-like computer interface. EventScope allows students to virtually explore faraway places through their computers, enabling them to experience the same kind of "tele-presence" that scientists currently use to investigate remote worlds. The project currently uses NASA data from past Mars missions (Viking and Pathfinder) to excite students in scientific inquiry and discovery. The flexible, modularized two to three week curriculum package includes teacher lesson plans, computer-based labs, and student workbooks that address national science standards and benchmarks. EventScope also provides teacher-training workshops and curriculum assessments.

EventScope was pilot tested in three middle schools last fall and expanded to nine schools in Spring 2001 and thirty-six schools in Fall 2001. EventScope is currently recruiting teachers to test pilot modules covering Earth and Mars: Telling the Stories of Planetary Features and The Pathfinder Landing Site and Other Mysteries on Mars.

If you are interested in participating in EventScope's free pilot deployment in Fall 2001 please contact Jennifer Young, Project Coordinator, 412-268-5515, jyoung@andrew.cmu.edu. More information is available on our Web site: http://www.eventscope.org

  "An important use of technology is its capacity to create new opportunities for curriculum and instruction by bringing real-world problems into the classroom for students to explore and solve."
National Research Council
  ©2001 Carnegie Mellon University - Robotics Institute