EventScope Curriculum
Spring 2001
(Draft 3/8/01)

Faces of the Planets (6 classes, including 1 optional class)


Lesson 1: Introduction: Earth and Mars from Space. Basic concepts of topography and geological features using satellite images of Earth and Viking images of Mars. (Online lab)

Lesson 2: Scientific Method (Optional). Evolution of the scientific inquiry process. Using the scientific method. (In-class discussion/lecture)

Lessons 3 & 4: Telling the Stories of Planetary Features. Forces that shape the surface of a planet - water, wind, and impact. The study of river channels, dunes and impact craters on Earth and Mars. (Online lab; in-class discussion/lecture)

Lessons 5 & 6: Relative Age Dating Principles. Geological methods of feature dating on Earth and Mars. Principles of superposition and crosscutting. Deductive geological age dating using complex site on Mars. (In-class discussion and lecture; online lab)

Mission to Mars: Pathfinder (7 classes)

Unit One: Planning a Mission


Lessons 1 & 2: The Story of the Ares Vallis Region. Application of relative age dating principles to study NASA Viking images of Ares Vallis region. Scientific inquiry. (Online lab; in-class discussion)

Lesson 3: The Science and Engineering of a Mission. Technology of spacecraft, including consideration of environmental limitations; engineering and scientific concerns. (In-class discussion/lecture)

Unit Two: Landing on Mars


Lesson 1: Testing the Flood Hypothesis on Pathfinder's Landing Site. Examination of landing site on Mars using observation, orientation and mapping skills. Examination of rises and falls using observation and 3D images to discover effects of water and direction of flood. Scientific reasoning. (Online 3D lab)

Lesson 2: Testing the Wind Hypothesis. Examination of wind tails and dunes to discover effects of wind and find wind direction. Scientific reasoning. (Online 3D lab)

Lessons 3 & 4: Investigating Mysteries of the Planets. Investigation of geological mysteries on Mars using current Global Surveyor images. Scientific inquiry. (Online lab; in-class discussion)


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