Lesson 1: Introduction: Earth
and Mars from Space. Basic concepts of topography and geological
features using satellite images of Earth and Viking images of
Mars. (Online lab)
Lesson 2: Scientific Method
(Optional). Evolution of the scientific inquiry process. Using
the scientific method. (In-class discussion/lecture)
Lessons 3 & 4: Telling
the Stories of Planetary Features. Forces that shape the surface
of a planet - water, wind, and impact. The study of river channels,
dunes and impact craters on Earth and Mars. (Online lab; in-class
Lessons 5 & 6: Relative
Age Dating Principles. Geological methods of feature dating on
Earth and Mars. Principles of superposition and crosscutting.
Deductive geological age dating using complex site on Mars. (In-class
discussion and lecture; online lab)