Report: July 7th 2001 < Back

Devon Island

- Set up operations tent, GPS base station, and communication equipment
- Begin assembly of Hyperion

Status and Progress
- Shortly before midnight, we loaded Hyperion and all cargo in Resolute
Bay and flew to Devon Island. By 3:00am we had secured all of our
equipment and set up the operations tent.

- Completed instruction on camp operations, firearm and all terrain
vehicle safety.

- Assembled Hyperion's frame. We stopped to await delivery of
components and equipment held up in Iqaluit (including tire pump and batteries).

- Assembled and tested GPS base station and assembled communications
antenna and communications relay station.

- The snow melt is running 2 weeks behind typical. Snow cover is about
40% with exposed areas often deep, soft mud. Stream beds usually dry by
now are torrents with many impassible. It will likely be 5-10 days
before Hyperion will be able range over wide areas.

- Paul, Bernardine, and Chris have arrived safely in Resolute Bay. No
definitive word on the delivery of remaining cargo.

- Scout test area, Von Braun Planitia, northwest of Haughton Crater.
- Await delivery of remaining cargo, arrival of Chris, Paul, and
Bernardine, and departure of snow and mud.

Clouds overcast early then scattered late. Temperature 10C. No wind.
Long shadows at midnight.

Quote of the Day
"We like Chris, Bernardine, and Paul but right now we like the crate
with the sleeping tents and rain flies better."

  ©2001 Carnegie Mellon University - Robotics Institute