DepthX Field Notes
May 2007: Cenote Zacatón
This was the final trip for the project and the culmination of our endeavour.
We explored Zacatón, the deepest flooded sinkhole in the world, and made the first complete map.
We also made brief dives into Verde and Caracol, thus mapping the entire system.
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March 2007: Cenote la Pilita
Our objective this week is to complete testing of the vehicle and payload and to conduct a scientific survey of la Pilita.
The investigation of la Pilita also serves to prepare and validate the methods we will use to explore cenote el Zacatón.
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February 2007: Cenote la Pilita
This trip commences field operations at cenote la Pilita.
This 100m deep sink hole boasts 90 degree water, overhanging rock and complex biology.
We will run long autonomous missions to map the area and collect novel scientific data.
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January 2007: SAS and The Quarries
This will be the second set of experiments in a natural environment.
We would like to completely shake-out the system here before taking it to a real cenote.
Ideally, this will involve a demonstration of each critical component followed by a science-driven mission.
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August 2006: SAS and ARL
In this first dive test of the DEPTHX vehicle our goal is to measure and calibrate our thruster models and perform coordinated control of the vehicle.
At the same time we intend to confirm sensor models and accurately dead reckon the vehicle's path in the test tank.
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