% position is north east depth, in meters % orientation is roll pitch yaw, in degrees % north, east, south, west have headings of 0, 90, 180 and 270 degrees % time is seconds since January 1, 1900 %position orientation sulfide_level Temperature pH SpecCond Salinity DisOxyPercent DisOxygen RedOx DisSolids timestamp -26.6036 -23.7826 19.9414 2.1929 -0.760509 202.679 1.31181e-09 30.03 6.72 767 0.4 14.3 1.05 -163 0.491 1180202134.709232 -5.28263 -49.0193 99.9737 -0.504945 0.708984 182.001 8.03421e-10 30.04 6.7 768 0.4 0 0 -242 0.491 1180208803.618363